Thursday, September 9, 2010


1 year ago today, Justin underwent surgery where the surgeons opened his stomach and removed the cancer infected lymphnodes.

Reflecting on this makes me remember all of the feelings I had while he was under anesthesia. Was he going to be ok? Has the cancer spread? Are we going to have to do chemotherapy? How will this affect the rest of our lives? I had so many things running through my thoughts while waiting the 6 hours for him to come out of surgery.

It's nice to look back now and remember everything we went through last year and that we got through it. I don't think people realize that they are stronger than they think. I never thought I would be able to deal with all of these feelings so early in our marriage. I love Justin with all of my heart and I thought we would not have to deal with life threatening health issues until much later in our lives together. I now realize that the Lord gave us this trial to bring us closer together and to realize that we can make it through anything and we will be ok. I know that the Lord knows whats best for each us and He knows our thoughts and feelings and He can give you comfort when you need it most.

I am so grateful that Justin is cancer free today. He is an amazing man with many amazing qualities and he is going to do amazing things with his second chance at life. I love him so much and I can't wait to see where we are at 10, 20, 30 and 40 years from now.


  1. I still can't imagine going through something like that, you guys are amazing. But like you said it's made you closer to each other and we're never alone in our trials.

  2. I agree, you guys are amazing! I don't know how or if I could deal with something like that. And...thank you for helping me out with the advice for my brother!
